úterý 21. ledna 2014


lyrics for Off Axis

wake up buddy and walk with me
I've got to tell you a mystery 
this little secret is in your head 
just don't sleep and think instead

can you feel it now? 
is it eternal?
c'mon buddy I tell you more
welcome on the board

I know it hurts it won't be long 
right after you go through this song 
please dont ask me who I am
cannot tell you it would be a scam

can you feel it now?
is it eternal?
c'mon buddy I give you a hint
hold your breath and sprint

keep going forward you're almost there
do not expect that life is fair
it's almost certain you're gonna fail
and after that you rise in hell

can you feel it now?
is it eternal?
c'mon buddy you know it all
stand up reject that fall

now we are done the lesson's learned
it seems the answer has been earned
love is here and love is there
you can find it everywhere

you can feel it now
it is eternal
c'mon buddy you made it through
yes you've found the truth

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