pátek 25. října 2013


you can see them flying
high above their minds
in a center of a pure joy
standing out of line

you can see them craving
always for new high
dropped down bottom depressed
far away from shine

and finally she said it
love is like heroin
love is just for heroes

"Love's like heroin" she said flatly.
"You mean that people can be addicted to love?" he asked.
"No, no. Love is just for heroes" she replied "And yes, maybe people can be addicted to love."
"Ok, now you're just playing with words, aren't you? he said doubtfully.
"C'mon. I mean it. Just think about it. If you imagine someone using heroin and someone using love, can you see a difference? I mean, it is easy to fall in love just like it's easy to start taking heroin. When you fall in love or take a shot of H you can enjoy absolute happiness and on the other hand it's really depressing without them. You're always searching for another high." she ended her speech.
"Yeah, this make sence, I guess." he nod.
"Would you like to have another shot of H or shot of love?" he asked gently.
"Both at once" she replied with a hungry face.
"Perfect. Just a sec, bringing a spoon." he cheered and dissapeared in the kitchen
"By the way did we just agreed we're in love together?" he asked coming back with brown powder in his hands.
She stared at him silently until she said: "If you are a hero..." twinkled with her eyes and start laughing madly. Finally she added: "Don't be naive, we are just two junkies fucking together. Love is a myth."

(to be continued / maybe)

čtvrtek 17. října 2013

Královnám roztékám

zasnít se
len a nit
šaty a věnce
s Irenou

mé zbabělce
strach a bol
dva kotrmelce
s Adélou

nelze lehce
sex a cit
s Renatou

královnám zatajil nebeský soud
možnost zapomenout
královnám bez krále

pondělí 14. října 2013

Jděte se vycpat

dřív než mi řekneš
že láska se počítá na roky
jednu ti vrazím
třeba víš proč
a když ne
tak se to stejně neposere

znovu tě na kolenou prosím:
"zalži mi pokrytče"
abych tě mohl zmlátit
abych se taky styděl

život je svině pomyslela si
otočila se stranou
tak abych neviděl její slzy

v hlavě měla všechny ty kecy
o pozitivním myšlení
a kdo kurva jsou
kreténi jedni

to už mi dnes nemůže být ani smutno?
jděte se vycpat